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Multiplayer FPS: Courtyard Death Match

Courtyard Death Match for Unreal Tournament
---Personal Project---
Role: Level Designer
Genre: Multiplayer FPS
Software: Unreal Engine 4
Time: 30 hours

- Create a multiplayer Death Match Level for Unreal Tournament 2016 that would work for both casual and competitive play.
- Design an enjoyable level that promotes constant movement and player choice while eliminating camping as much as possible. To mitigate camping there are many open spaces and glass walls to make it feel as though the player is exposed which increases the necessity to think and move quickly.
- After blockout phase, run playtests and implement feedback moving into a polished version.

Lessons Learned:
While I am very pleased with the end result, this level was a challenge to build creativity speaking. Usually, I start with a paper design but on this project, I wanted to compare if designing on paper would benefit my process or if I would be faster getting into engine and designing intuitively.
A recent tip I heard was: "The level should be fun without any enemies" and I found this to be true in my design. I thoroughly enjoyed moving around in this environment before I added the AI combatants.
I also utilized feedback I received from other level designers, playtesters, and the Unreal Tournament community on this project, so thanks to all of you for helping me improve.


Post Playtest Updates

Blockout Version 1

Blockout Version 1

Finished Level Top Down

Finished Level Top Down