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3rd Person Puzzle Platformer

Start Area created for the Odessa Tree
---Senior Capstone Project---
Role: Level Designer
Genre: Puzzle/Platformer
Software: Unreal Engine 5
Time: 6 weeks (final art pass not included)

Game Link:

- To create a start area that teaches the player the mechanics of the three characters, environment mechanics, and to keep the level shorter and more focused. The game's next section is open and non-linear, so it was important to teach the player the basics before throwing them into this world.
- Invoke emotions of isolation and loneliness leading into companionship thus tying in the hidden narrative elements of the world.
- Have a flexible level for playtesting and dynamic iteration.

Lessons Learned:
Have a plan in writing before moving forward that sets level design goals. I used Steve Lee's text-based approach to designing a level along with having the start and end points of the level designed first. This was a large boon, as the start level was constantly being iterated upon and changing. Weekly playtests and weekly level changes led to the overall success.

Level Sequence
(shown in a very early version)

Character Encounters

Cave & Intro Area